Sunday, March 18, 2007

Nature or Nurture?

I took Kate and Titus to a little girl's birthday party yesterday. Sitting outside visiting with another lady, I watched Titus play nearby. He picked up a thin metal stake lying next to the family's gas grill, so I said, in the calm, in-control mommy tone I use when other's are watching, "Titus, put that down, please." Titus put it down and walked away from the object.

The lady said, "Wow, an obedient boy."
I was quite surprised myself. As most of you know, with Katie it would have gone like this:
"Kate, put that down please."
At which point I would stomp over and pry the object from her tight fist, carry her away as she cried loudly. My face hot and red the whole time as I tried not to make eye contact with the horrified, judging on-lookers.

Matt and I spent many conversations on what we were doing wrong. What were we doing to cause Katie to be so angry? She took so much more analyzing to understand why she would react the way she did. Titus just doesn't care as passionately about anything (except nursing, apparently). I turn a movie off. He protests with a slight, complaining grunt, and I tell him he can watch it later. He says, "Okay." That's it!

I have hope Kate will outgrow this. My brothers say I was just like that as a little girl (I remember having a lot of help, what with all the taunting), and I don't throw tantrums like that in public anymore. Not in public.


striving... said...

I can sympathize with this as well. My, our girls are a lot alike. Except my oldest is compliant like Titus, and my 2nd is strong willed like Katie. It is a hard row to hoe.

Andrea said...

Yes, Tessa. But I'm so thankful to know that God has plans for Katie that require such a strong personality. She may take a lot of time investment now, but Lord willing we will be good friends the rest of our lives. I know Titus will leave me one day when he marries, but the closeness moms and girls develop lasts forever.

striving... said...

Yes, I have to remember that as well. God has a plan for them doesn't He? Well I hope my little girl is not as stubborn for Him as she is for me, (nervouslol,) :)

Andrea said...

Ha ha, Tessa. I'm thankful no one's stubborn nature can overcome God's effectual calling, especially when it comes to my children.