Friday, January 18, 2008

Still No Henry

Pregnancy update:

God, in His kindness to me, has not seen fit to deliver Henry to us yet. My due date was the 15th, and under normal circumstances I would be anxious to get on with the delivery. However, I have been hit with a severe cold, one that required me to lie still in a dark room for several days and practice deep relaxation to deal with the sinus pain. I know God will give me the strength to face whatever He gives me to do, but from my human perspective I didn't know how I would face labor under the circumstances.

I thank God every day for His gentle mercies. Although being ill isn't fun (thanks, Adam), my mother was able to come stay with us several days ago and has been caring for my family and house. She is nursing me back to health, and my family has very little disruption while mommy is incapacitated. Thanks, Dad, for loaning Mom to us for so long. She is such a blessing.


Heather said...

We prayed for you last night at the ladies' bible study I go to and I was wondering what your status was but glad to know that you are on the mend. Also, that you are relieved that he hasn't come yet so that you can get better before you have him. I'll keep praying. Love ya.

striving... said...

patiently waiting to see the new Powell baby too. I am glad you do not have to be sick and deliver, and I will pray that you get better before that happens too.

Andrea said...

Thanks for the prayers. I'm doing a lot better.