Sunday, March 15, 2009

Titus came in this afternoon from playing with the neighbor boy. This boy has caused Katie and Titus some concern. He doesn't believe in God, and they don't know how to process this.

Imagine Titus' little brow furrowed and his voice deep with intensity.
"Mom, Josh says he hates God."
"Are you and Katie hassling him about God?" I ask.
"Josh says he hates God!"
I'm at a loss and trust Matt will know how to handle this when he gets home. He's the pastor after all. He better have an answer for this.

A few minutes later I heard Titus saying to Katie, "I wonder what will happen to Josh. Will the ground open up and swallow him?"
His little hands, held flat together, open up to show the earth swallowing someone up.

I think he might be getting something from our morning Old Testament reading, even if it is from the King James.


Unknown said...

It is impossible, you know. I know seminarians who choke over a thee or a thou.

I cannot imagine what they do if they hear that Jacob "sod pottage," or that God is our "rereward."

Those screams are coming from the institutions of higher learning.

Andrea said...

Really? Even in the seminaries? I am so thankful my parents used the King James with us. My writing professor told me that kids raised on the King James knew how to write. Sure, Katie struggles to understand some times, but we just explain it to her.

The King James is the most beautiful literature out there. I want to give the same gift to my kids that my parents gave to me.

Christians ought to be about the business of fighting illiteracy. We are people of the Word!