Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just Like An Oldest Child

Bud, Matt's dad, has mentioned how their oldest boy made sure he won all the games by changing the rules as the game progressed. I don't remember this about my oldest brother, but he is six years older than I am and wouldn't have had to cheat to beat me at anything.

After breakfast the other morning, I got a glimpse of something similar to what Bud was talking about. I hear Katie say to Titus, "Whoever eats their toast all gone wins!"

Katie has only a crust left. Titus looks at his plate and sees most of his piece still on his plate. He looks away in resignation to losing.

"Whoever fills up their cup first wins!" Katie says as she is almost done filling her cup with water. Titus looks over and I see the excitement of competition cross his face quickly followed with disappointment as the reality of his lack of chance dawns on him.

Katie is across the kitchen, but Titus is standing right next to me. "Whoever," I say, "hugs their mommy first wins!" I hug Titus and his face lights up.

"Whoever sticks their bottom out first wins!" Titus yells as he wears a mischievous smile and cocks his bottom out. He's clearly the winner of the bum sticking.


Anonymous said...

I love those kids. So funny.

Matt would usually win at games by... well ... knowing the rules. Matt was too smart to let me get away with changing the rules.

striving... said...

Very funny. Nice way of getting Titus to win one. too cute.