Monday, June 18, 2007

Morning Sickness

I've been sleeping more than my fare share and nauseous to the point of debilitation. I'm behind on everything, so blogging seems like something that can wait. I will get back to it. I feel like I haven't been seeing much of my kids lately because of all the sleeping, so I'm not stock-piling stories. Mostly we've been reading and playing in bed together. Nothing too cute, just sickly sweet. So if it seems I've dropped off the face of the earth, I have.

But I am feeling much better now and having more good days than bad. I'm looking forward to rejoining the living.


striving... said...

Sorry it has been rough, but I am happy to hear that you are over that hump!

Dee said...

I am happy to hear that I'm not the only one who would like to be put in a coma for the first three months of pregnancy....but then I would probably still puke in my sleep.

Unknown said...

Sorry for your discomfort but...
How exciting!! Three kids, wow! Manami and I JEALOUS!

Heather said...

I'm glad your back, I've missed your blogs. I also take a month off here and there and I'm not even pregnant.